Thursday, February 24, 2005

Princess Pay, A King's Ransom ...

Hello Everyone.

My 5-1/2 year old daughter Neva has come to the conclusion that it's time for her to get an allowance. She started learning the value of money long ago when she played with Mommy's credit card as a baby. Even at that time I knew we were headed for trouble. She never wanted to give the credit card back.

Nearly a week has passed since Neva mentioned it for the first time. Since then she has decided that trading her time and effort for money is not just a noble deed but one worth about 5 bucks. Just to be clear here, she doesn’t mean $5 per week. No, little Miss Corporate Mogul here thinks we should pay her $5 for each chore she does.

So, it comes as no surprise that Neva is suddenly much more helpful around the house. I guess she’s trying to prove that she is worthy of such a lofty pay scale.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Father Nose Best ...

Hello Everyone.

Editor's Note: Sorry about the absence of the newsletter over the past two weeks, all 5 of us had our February cold. This is not to be confused with the January cold and the March cold which are different.

Each time one of my kids has a birthday it shakes me up a bit. Our youngest daughter Willa just turned one the other week. An entire year flew by and I can't account for the time between Willa's birth and her birthday. What have I been doing for the past 12 months?

During that time Willa's achievements have been numerous. She learned to crawl, walk and climb, spoke her first words, began playing with toys to name a few. I'm still doing precisely the same thing I was doing a year ago. Nothing's changed for me.

Eventually I realize that the sameness is maybe not such a bad thing. My life is predictable and with that there is a certain comfort. Unlike Willa, I at least won't be surprised to find out that when I have a cold, I shouldn’t lick my nose.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Going Bananas ...

Hello Everyone.

Back in December, my husband Bob asked if I wanted a banana tree for Christmas. Not the organic, fruit-bearing kind, but the wooden, fruit-hanging version that stands on your countertop. Although our kids are voracious banana eaters, I simply couldn't justify spending the money on a gizmo when a fruit bowl works just fine.

I relented this week, however, when the banana tree was in the clearance bin at the grocery store. I brought it home, put it together and happily hung a nice bunch of bananas on it.

Later that day I walk into the kitchen, only to find our banana tree empty and five loose bananas at its base, as if it had shed its leaves.

"What happened here?" I asked 5-year-old Neva, who was eating the evidence.

"I wanted the one with the sticker on it."

Banana tree for sale!

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther